15/05 - Tech News
/Part of working at Committo, is getting involved with local vendor events. Most recently we have been working with Blancco to build out some service offerings for Data Erasure and E-waste removal for customers. They kindly invited us to a recent event on the new Data Breach laws. The key take away from this is that organisations must report any event where private data has been exposed to an unauthorised party. What is not clear is exactly what constitutes a notifiable breach, and that some necessary steps can be taken to mitigate the need to report the event. Say an employee sends an email out to the wrong marketing list, if there are reasonable steps that can be taken to fix the the leaked data. Maybe by getting the receiver of the email to write a statutory declaration that the data has been wiped and they will not use it for any purposes then that may satisfy the mitigation requirements and thus not need reporting. Whatever the situation might be Committo is here to either help your organisation plan for and/or mitigate the risk if an data breach event occurs. So if your unsure please contact us and we can help.
Why do we use a professional Data Erasure tool like Blancco which is more expensive then some of the others ? Because it has support for all devices including mobile and types of HDD (spinning disk or SSD). It will also provide a certified verification of erasure which meets many of the standards of many commercial security compliance audits carried out by industry. It guarantees a safe complete disk erasure and offers multiple erasure algorithms for specific devices and situations. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us if this is an area of concern for your business.
Another important item of reflection is the campaign surrounding net neutrality. There is a last ditch attempt to maintain net neutrality laws imparted by Barrack Obama in the US. The current ruling is that Net Neutrality will be remove on June 11th this year. This means ISP's have the freedom to block, or slow down traffic to sites of their choosing and speed up access to sites that in most case will likely pay for it. This makes it harder for the little guys to be seen or heard, and supports big businesses manipulation of news and media, delivering on a focused agenda of Corporate domination of public thought, reducing access to a societal cross section of free speech to be heard.